Everything you need to know about Periodontal Disease

Regardless of whether it has been months or years that you have been to a dentist in Union City, you surely have heard about periodontal disease. Well, this is commonly known as gum disease. There are multiple things which people do not know about periodontal disease. Therefore, here we have brought some of the important things about periodontal disease which you must know before visiting a dental office in Union City. 


Things you need to know about periodontal disease

Periodontal is a condition of pathological inflammation of the bone support and gum surrounding the teeth. This problem will happen when the bacteria will colonize the gums at the beginning of the gum line where the soft gum tissues normally meet the teeth. After settling, the bacteria colonies begin to cause a sticky film which will develop into plaque. However, in the process of the periodontal problem, the bacteria attack the soft tissues of gums which are supplying blood to the teeth. Resultantly, it will cause loose teeth, pain, and even sometimes it can damage the structure of bone too. To protect dental health in the best possible way, these bacteria need to disrupt every day with the help of a brush. This is a perfect reminder to brush your teeth always.

Bleeding gums can go serious 

Most of the people normally suffer from bleeding while brushing, but they do not pay attention to this. If the bleeding is without any cause then this can be an indication of periodontal disease. 

Causes of periodontal diseases 

It is a well-known fact that our mouth is full of bacteria and these bacteria are causing plaque constantly. Although regular brushing can help in removing them but still there exists some risk factors which can cause periodontal disease. Smoking is the most common one to consider. While, other risk factors are hormonal changes, diabetes, certain illness, improper flossing, etc. 


Common symptoms which you may experience in periodontal:

  • Swollen or red gums

  • Loose teeth 

  • Painful gums

  • Receding gums 

  • Bad breath which is not going away even with regular brushing 

  • Bleeding gums or tender

  • Sensitive teeth 

If you are experiencing any of these signs, this is highly important to visit the best dentist in Union City. 


Periodontal disease is quite easier to prevent. Here are some tips which can keep you from periodontal disease:

  • Avoid the use of high in stretches and sugar diet, chewing tobacco, smoking. You must stop using alcohol and antidepressants. A healthy lifestyle is important to choose from. 

  • Floss regularly on both sides of your teeth, more importantly after every meal. 

  • It is necessary to brush your teeth in the evening and morning regularly to disrupt bacteria. 

  • Mouthwash can effect greatly after brushing. This can complement the effect of brushing in a great way. 

Along with a healthy lifestyle, you need to take care of your teeth properly. It is also important to visit the dentist in Union City regularly to keep yourself away from any dental problem in the best possible way.  

is chewing a gum actually good for your teeth?

It's not a new fact that chewing gum is not healthy for the teeth, and not forgetting that sugar on its own creates cavities. According to a recent study, it shows that products that contain sugar can be just as damaging to your teeth as sugar itself; many of these products contain acid that causes tooth erosion. You are at risk of developing dental caries when you often chew gum containing sugar. However, you tend to stimulate the production of saliva which is beneficial to your oral health when you chew sugar-free gum, according to evidence over the past 30 years. The bottom line is that chewing gum can be very bad for your oral health, and at the same be good for your oral health; it all depends on the kind of gum you chew.

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Avoid Chewing Gum Sweetened With Sugar

Gum has always been almost every kid and even adult favorite. Who doesn’t love that sweet burst of flavor? Unfortunately, gum sweetened with sugar is bad news for teeth. Sorry to surprise you, you are not the only one satisfying your sweet tooth when you choose sugary chewing gum, the bacteria in our mouths like sugar too. These bacteria use sugar as fuel and they continue enjoying it long after we’ve to spit our gum out, producing acids that weaken tooth enamel and cause cavities.

Stick To Sugarless Gum

You must have heard about sugar-free gums, yes they exist. Apart from the fact that they can boost your oral health, they can also help increase saliva flow in your mouth, washing away food debris and bacteria and at the same time strengthening your teeth. This is also true for the gums containing sugar, but they do more harm than good. According to a study by the American Dental Association, it shows that chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after a meal can help you prevent tooth decay. Saliva contains calcium and phosphate that strengthens tooth enamel and also neutralize acids in our mouths after eating, getting the teeth in the line of defense against cavity-causing bacteria.

However, when choosing sugarless gum to make sure you find out if the gum has Xylitol in it. Xylitol is very effective in helping to get rid of bacteria which causes cavity and gum disease, they are mostly found in the fibers of many fruits and vegetables or from berries, oats, and mushrooms.

So next time you feel like you shouldn't chew a stick of gum in between meals, you may be doing yourself a favor as long as you keep chewing gum without sugar.

Why kids are high risk on having a dental decay?

As a parent, one thing you should know is that your child is not too young to visit a dental office in union city, as your child's teeth are at risk long before you give he or she a piece of candy. Research shows that about a quarter of children in America have developed dental decay by the time they start school. By the age of 4, more than 1 in every 4 children has at least one cavity. A research by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research shows that 42% of children who are ages 2 to 11 develop a cavity in their baby teeth. Tooth decay occurs when the bacteria in the mouth break down sugar and produce acid that attacks the teeth.

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The best way to help your child avoid this is to help them avoid sugary foods and drinks, monitor them while brushing to ensure that they have healthy teeth. But note that some kids teeth are inherently weak and even with all this routine they can decay easily. This is because some children do get cavities much earlier, and this is why scheduling a dentist in union city visit to discuss your child dietary practices prevention practices, and other recommendations to help keep their teeth in good shape is very important.

Just as we stated earlier on, bacteria are the cause of tooth decay and the group of germs that mostly cause the development of tooth decay is called mutans streptococcus. These bacteria produce acid after feeding on sugar and they dissolve minerals on the enamel. The decay starts to progress and the dentin then to the nerve and blood vessels of the tooth. This is why it is advisable to have the best preventive practices in place at an early age for all kids. These same bacteria also contribute to dental plaque — this is a soft, yellowish, sticky film that builds up on teeth and can further cause tooth decay and /or lead to gum disease if not removed regularly.

Which children are at risk for tooth decay?

So all children are at risk for tooth decay and this is due to the fact that all children have bacteria in their mouth. But the following may raise your child’s risk for it:

•    Less saliva flow than normal production

•    High levels of the bacteria that cause cavities

•    Poor oral hygiene

•    A diet high in sugars and starches

•    Water supply that has limited or no fluoride in it

What are the symptoms of tooth decay in a child?

The following is the common way that teeth develop decay and cavities occurs in children:

•    White spots begin to form on the teeth in areas affected.

•    An early cavity appears on the tooth with a light brown color.

•    The cavity becomes deeper and turns a darker shade of brown to black.

•    Sensitivity to certain foods, like sweets and hot or cold drinks

•    Pain in the area around the tooth.

 If you need an expert opinion, please contact us.

How Does Ѕmoking Affect your ORAL Health?

Smoking сigаrеttеѕ can nеgаtivеlу аffесt every раrt оf thе humаn bоdу. Oral hеаlth is еѕресiаllу vulnеrаblе to thе effects of tоbассо uѕе. The tееth оf a ѕmоkеr аrе usually inѕtаntlу rесоgnizаblе, bесаuѕе оf the viѕiblе dеtrimеntаl effects оf сigаrеttе smoking. But apart frоm ѕtаining оf the tееth, whаt оthеr dangers to oral hеаlth does ѕmоking intrоduсе? This аrtiсlе will tаkе a look at hоw thе mouth iѕ imрасtеd by сigаrеttе smoking.


Thе Effесtѕ оf Smoking оn Oral Hеаlth

Firѕtlу, gum disease. Tоbассо ѕmоking is аmоng thе significant risk fасtоrѕ fоr dеvеlорing gum disease. Furthermore, аnу gum diѕеаѕе рrеѕеnt iѕ оftеn mоrе aggressive in реорlе whо ѕmоkе. Tоbассо ѕmоking affects blооd flоw within thе gums аnd ѕо уоur body's ability tо deal with оrаl рlаԛuе bасtеriа iѕ diminiѕhеd. Pеriоdоntаl diѕеаѕе is an mоrе ѕеvеrе tуре of gum diѕеаѕе. Thiѕ indiсаtеѕ irrераrаblе deterioration of the gum and bone tiѕѕuе соvеring уоur tееth. Thоѕе thаt ѕmоkе tеnd tо bе mоrе аt riѕk оf this kind оf dаmаgе. Nеxt, dеntаl ѕtаinѕ аlоng with yellowing оf the dеntitiоn. Cigаrеttе smoking lеаvеѕ characteristic brоwn оr black staining on thе ѕurfасе оf thе tееth. Smokers tееth аdditiоnаllу turn уеllоwiѕh as timе passes. Hоw much dеntаl ѕtаinѕ аnd diѕсоlоring will vаrу ассоrding to the аmоunt ѕmоkеd. False tееth, сарѕ аnd fillings can also gеt discolored. Thiѕ will bе раrtiсulаrlу truе if smoking is соmbinеd with bаd оrаl hygiene.

Orаl cancer

Smoking сigаrеttеѕ presents an rаngе оf hazardous chemical substances intо thе mоuth. Thеѕе kind of сhеmiсаl соmроundѕ could, еvеntuаllу, соntributе tо саnсеrоuѕ сhаngе tо the оrаl tissues. Mеdiсаl ѕtudiеѕ ѕhоw thаt people who ѕmоkе will be ѕix timеѕ mоrе at riѕk of dеvеlорing mouth cancer compared tо thоѕе that nеvеr ѕmоkеd. Alcohol аbuѕе in соnjunсtiоn with tobacco ѕmоking will increase thе likelihood оf оrаl cancers even further.

Bad breath

Cigаrеttе ѕmоking саuѕеѕ bаd brеаth оr hаlitоѕiѕ. In реорlе who smoke, hаlitоѕiѕ iѕ рrinсiраllу brоught оn аѕ a rеѕult оf the rеtеntiоn аnd brеаthing оut оf thе fumes.

Wеаring dоwn оf tееth

Kеерing a рiре or cigar in the ѕаmе position whilѕt ѕmоking соuld саuѕе damage tо thе teeth. Thiѕ mау саuѕе ѕеnѕitivitу as well аѕ an uglу nоtсhеd арреаrаnсе оf the dаmаgеd teeth.

Brown hаirу tongue

Smоking сigаrеttеѕ рrеvеntѕ the ordinary shedding of thе surface сеllѕ frоm thе tоnguе. Aѕ a rеѕult, оnе type оf thеѕе сеllѕ becomes more lеngthу, lеаding tо аn арреаrаnсе likе hair оvеr the tоnguе ѕurfасе. So a tеrm of "hаirу tоnguе" is аррliеd tо thiѕ unѕightlу соnditiоn.

Dеlауеd wоund rесоvеrу

Tоbассо use саn negatively affect аnу wоund rесоvеrу inside thе оrаl cavity. You should not сigаrеttе ѕmоkе аftеr hаving any оrаl ѕurgеrу, like a tооth еxtrасtiоn. Yоu'rе mоrе аt risk оf getting an unрlеаѕаnt side еffесt саllеd drу socket if you ѕmоkе ѕооn аftеr аn еxtrасtiоn. Linkеd to this slow wound rесоvеrу, tobacco will likеwiѕе hаvе аn effect on the ѕurvivаl rаtеѕ of dental implants. Dеntаl implants in a smokers mоuth will not ѕеt intо thе jаw bоnе, as wеll as thеу do in a non-smoker. Anу implants аrе аlѕо mоrе in dаngеr оf not lаѕting due tо bоnе аnd gum disease ѕurrоunding the dеntаl imрlаnt.

Cоѕmеtiс Wоrk tо Rеliеvе thе Effесtѕ of Smоking

Fоr thоѕе who dоn't ѕtор smoking, thе dаmаgе саn nеvеr bе curtailed. Hоwеvеr, dеntiѕt in uniоn сitу саn hеlр. This can be dоnе with tееth whitening, vеnееrѕ, and other procedures. The rеѕultѕ are very noticeable, аnd mаnу patients find themselves ѕurрriѕеd bу how much уоungеr thеу lооk аnd fееl whеn it is finiѕhеd. Some inѕurаnсе рrоvidеrѕ will nоt соvеr thеѕе procedures since they are еlесtivе, and many feel that thе соѕt is tоо high, but it iѕ nоthing compared tо thе соѕt of ѕmоking.

Hоw Muсh Does Smоking Cоѕt?

Inѕtеаd оf gеtting into thе high соѕt оf сigаrеttеѕ, it has bееn rероrtеd thаt реорlе whо ѕmоkе рау highеr inѕurаnсе рrеmiumѕ and miѕѕ оut оn opportunities in thеir саrееr. Whilе thiѕ mау seem truе, it turnеd out thаt bоth оf hiѕ parents ѕmоkеd a lot. In fact, over thе course of thеir livеѕ thеу hаd ѕmоkеd mоrе than 50,000 расkѕ (mоrе than 1,000,000 сigаrеttеѕ). Hаd the money bееn invеѕtеd intо ѕhаrеѕ of thе tоbассо соmраnу thеу wоuld have hаd a ѕеvеn-figurе portfolio!

Smоking аnd your livelihood аrе nоt indереndеnt оf еасh оthеr. They muѕt be соnѕidеrеd tоgеthеr. For thоѕе who dоn't ѕtор ѕmоking, thе dаmаgе can never bе curtailed. Hоwеvеr, соѕmеtiс dentists аt dental оffiсе in uniоn city can hеlр.

When Should I Bring my child In for his/her First Dentist Appointment?

As a parent, making sure your child grows up with strong and healthy teeth is very important. Doing this means you take them for a regular checkup and they follow the right diet. But, one question many new parents ask is, when is the best or perfect time to take their child for their first checkup. According to the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and dentist in Union City, the best time to take a kid for his or her first dental appointment is to be at one year of age. There are many instances in which your child may need to go to the dentist, whether for a simple checkup or some dental work. You should get an idea of when this is.


When to Schedule Baby's First Dental Checkup

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), the best time to schedule your baby’s first dental office in Union City appointment is when you notice sprouts of the tooth or turns a year old. Another perfect time is when you notice a problem with their tooth growth or even a cavity already. Your child might have a higher chance of developing early tooth decay if there is a history of cavities in the family or the habit of falling asleep with a bottle.

What to Expect on Their First Visit

It is important that your child is free of tension before they visit; so make sure your child develops a familiarity with physicians and dentists. You can introduce them to a dentist in a fun way by allowing them to count your teeth while you count theirs.

Get them comfortable with doctor's exams like the chairs and drills at a dentist's office; don’t forget also to keep your cool when bringing your child in for the first time, as their first experience might be either amusing or terrifying. It is best not to take other children along during their first visit, as this may distract them.

How to Get Baby Ready for a Dental Checkup

If you’re really worried that your little one will get upset, come prepared with distractions, favorite comfort toys and lots of reassuring hugs. Unlike grownups with vivid memories of the drill, your baby has no reason to be anxious about a trip to the dentist. You may want to look at board books or picture books about dentists together or play “dentist” with a toothbrush and a stuffed animal. Even if your baby does have a meltdown mid-checkup, it’s nothing an experienced pediatric dentist hasn’t seen before.

Importance in flossing your teeth properly

Many people do not like the idea of flossing for reasons best known to them. Many people believe that taking floss and wrapping it around their index and middle fingers to look for residue food particles between their teeth can be too much of a process. However, there are easier to floss and enjoy the process, regardless of the method. So, if you are someone who doesn't understand it, or don’t like the idea of flossing it's crucial to remember why flossing is an essential part of a healthy smile according to dentist in Union City.

What is Flossing?


Firstly, flossing can be defined as the process of cleaning between the teeth, and the gum using dental floss which is like a thin filament. Dental floss is available both in string and ribbon form and is usually made of silk, nylon, or Teflon. Some of them can be waxed while some are unwaxed. For teeth with close contact with each other string floss can be used, while ribbon floss can be used for teeth with enough space in between.

Why It’s Important To Brush and Floss Your Teeth Properly

1.    Your toothbrush needs an assistant

According to the dentist in Union City, brushing can only help get rid of 65% of the teeth dirt.  So, no matter how long you brush for, it is not sufficient to clean your mouth thoroughly. Food particles get stuck in between the teeth, and your brush bristles cannot reach these tricky regions. However, it is also essential that you talk to a dentist in union city to know which flosser will work the best for you.

2.    You can be free from halitosis

Oral malodor which is the deposition of plaque and calculus in the mouth can cause halitosis. A thin build-up of biofilm bacteria can be easily caused by food debris that remain in the interdental areas of the mouth. This process results in bad breath, and you may suffer from low self-confidence and even be embarrassed to speak in public due to bad breath. You can easily get rid of halitosis by cleaning and flossing your teeth the correct way. Flossing can help eliminate the debris accumulated below the gumline.

3.    Flossing prevents gum diseases and systemic problems

Dental plaque can cause gum diseases which can make you may have bleeding from gums while brushing and bad breath in the initial stages. This issue can also lead to tooth loss, and you don’t want to lose your natural teeth. You can reduce the risk of dental and gum diseases by flossing regularly.

4.    Your dental investment is secured

Dental implant or bridge can cost you a lot, and you don’t want to spend this money twice. If you don’t brush and floss regularly and correctly, food particles can accumulate in the areas where these dental implants are. Regular flossing can help you make sure that your dental implant is safe.