The Best Home Remedies for Severe Toothache

Are you suffering from tooth pain but it is the weekend? Maybe your dentist is fully booked for the week? If you find yourself suffering from tooth pain and there is no dentist available, you can treat the pain at home. Today, we are going to learn more about home remedies for severe toothache that actually work!

Five Natural Tooth Pain Remedies

  • Garlic

  • Onion

  • Pepper and Salt

  • Ice Cubes

  • Peppermint


Garlic does wonders for tooth pain. Garlic has antibiotic properties that will help heal your gums. If you have a tooth infection, this is the best medicine for the job. To treat yourself at home, you will need 10 cloves of garlic and one teaspoon of salt. You will have to crush the garlic into tiny pieces and mix them with the salt. This will form a paste that you will use to apply to the affected area. Leave it on for 10 minutes before removing it. However, keep in mind that garlic can burn the skin if left for too long.



Onions are a natural antiseptic and can kill germs that lurk inside the mouth. This makes them great for tooth pain and tooth infections. First, you will want to peel the onion and chop it into small pieces. Put the pieces on the affected area and chew them. You should allow the juice from the onion to cover the area of pain. This will bring you relief and the onion will kill any germs that may be in your mouth.

Pepper and Salt

Home remedies for severe toothache are often strange and this one is no exception. But this one really works well! To temporarily get rid of the pain, you should combine two tablespoons of pepper and an equal amount of salt. Next, add one teaspoon of water to the mixture. Mix until you form a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes. This mixture has anti-inflammatory properties and can help you feel much better!

Ice Cube

A great way to ease tooth pain is by using an ice cube. Place the ice cube inside of a small plastic sandwich bag. Then apply the bag with the cubes inside directly to the affected area. This will give you immediate relief from the pain. While this is a temporary fix, it will help you feel better until you can see a dentist.


Most of us love the flavor of peppermint. But did you know that it can ease tooth pain? Peppermint has a numbing effect on the gums which can bring you much-needed relief. If you have dried peppermint leaves, you can boil them and make a tea. Once the tea has cooled, you need to swish it in your mouth and spit it out. However, if you swallow some of the mixtures, it won't harm you because it is all-natural.

As you can see, these home remedies for severe toothache can help bring you relief. If you are in pain, you just might want to try a few of them. Remember that it is always recommended that you see a dentist as soon as possible.