Dentistry in the time of coronavirus- What you can do at home before visiting a dentist

Arguably, Covid-19 became the greatest challenge facing humanity after World War II. All activities have stopped, and people around the world have been forced to maintain social distance. The immediate problem is to flatten the curve with more tests followed by isolation of patients with Covid-19. These series of activities have affected the way even the field of dentistry work. Due to that, most people will never visit their dentist. But if you have an emergency dental problem, then don't hesitate to visit a dentist.

Accidents do occur in the time of coronavirus.

An accident can occur at any time of the day or night. Know the type of injuries that need an urgent dental emergency. For you to avoid unnecessary trips to a dentist at this time of lockdown, some dental injuries may require immediate attention, which you can on your own. Some of them include:


Mouth trauma

Any trauma to the mouth or any problems related to the teeth and supporting tissues that can cause major gingival bleeding may require immediate care of emergency dentistry.

Broken teeth

Rinse and protect any broken pieces of your teeth. Rinse with warm water, then apply cotton gauze to that area until the bleeding stops. Use cold pressure outside the mouth to avoid swelling or reduce pain.


In case you have swelling in your mouth, apply a cold compress to your mouth or cheek. Clean your mouth using somehow warm water and floss to remove any unwanted suspended food.

Falling teeth

Take the tooth, grab it from the crown, and rinse it with water if it is dirty. Do not remove any fragments of adhered tissue. Try to put the teeth back in place. Never push it into the cavity, place the tooth in a small bowl of milk or water. The dentist can save the teeth that come out within an hour of your departure. In all cases, go to the dentist as soon as possible.

Broken wire supports

If the wire from the brace is broken or jammed from the bracket or tape, and you are bending your tongue or gums, try pushing the wire into a comfortable position with the eraser end of the pencil. If it is not possible to change the cable, cover the end with orthodontic wax and a piece of cotton until you reach the nearest dental clinic.

The lost crown

If a crown falls apart, schedule an emergency dental appointment as soon as possible. Bring the crown with you. If possible, move the crown back over the tooth. Cover the inner surface with over-the-counter dental cement, toothpaste.

Soft tissue injuries

The tongue, cheeks, gums, and lips are soft tissues. Your wounds can cause bleeding. To control bleeding, you should rinse your mouth with a mild saline solution and use a wet gauze pad or tea bag to squeeze and hold in place for 10-15 minutes.


What we are trying to avoid as much as possible is the possibility of going out of the house to visit a dentist. With the above information, we hope that you will solve your problems at home in the time of coronavirus before visiting a dentist if the problem becomes severe.