What is tooth enamel?

Tooth enamel is the outer layer that forms the hardest white teeth surface. It's mainly strong due to acidic drinks and foods that people consume from time to time. However, tooth enamel may wear down over time, especially due to poor oral hygiene. According to dental professionals, brushing and flossing teeth at least twice a day is essential to keep the enamel healthy and reduce the risk of deterioration and tooth sensitivity.

How to identify eroded tooth enamel?

When the enamel wears out, it increases the risk of teeth developing cavities or decaying. In most cases, small cavities might not be risky, although they'll grow over time if left without being treated, resulting in serious infections like unpleasant tooth abscesses. Additionally, worn enamel also has an adverse effect on the smile. Below are the signs that your enamel is eroded:

1. Tooth discoloration

When your enamel starts eroding, it'll expose the dentin resulting in yellow to dark brown stained teeth.

2. Tooth sensitivity

The enamel forms the tooth-insulating layer. Therefore, if it starts eroding, it results in tooth sensitivity to cold and hot foods and drinks.

3. Tooth decay

Erosion of the enamel can lead to tooth decay which causes pain, bad breath, sensitivity, and aching.

4. Chipped and cracked teeth

If you notice that your teeth' edges are becoming rough or jagged, the enamel might be wearing away or eroding.

What makes enamel eroded?

The tooth enamel can be destroyed by acidic foods and drinks. Human saliva plays a significant role in neutralizing acid, thus protecting the teeth. The main causes of enamel erosion are:

a. Taking acidic and sugary foods such as citrus fruits, ice creams, apples, juices, berries, sodas, etc.

b. Eating disorders such as bulimia which increases the teeth' exposure to stomach acid

c. Teeth grinding

d. Medications like aspirin and antihistamines

e. Genetic disorders like enamel hypoplasia

How to fix cracked tooth enamel?

When your tooth enamel is cracked or eroded, a dentist will examine the cause and recommend some best treatments, which include:

- Tooth extraction

- Dental fillings

- Dental implants

- Crowns and veneers

- Root canal

In conclusion, these are ways to fix cracked tooth enamel. To keep tooth enamel healthy, you should improve your dental hygiene and take a healthy diet.